About "Reframing"

      Over time, average adults and kids learn to make unconscious good/bad "associations" with thousands of words, terms, and images - e.g. snakes are slimy, spiders and maggots are disgusting, and pride, egotism, arrogance, lying, cowardice, selfishness, and greed are shameful.

      The learnable skills of awareness and a large vocabu-lary allow intentionally choosing alterative words and phrases that have a different good/bad association, in order to improve communication effectiveness.

      For example, a disaster can be reframed as a challenge; depression can be described as healthy grief; egotism can be called a personal burden; indecisiveness can be reframed as caution; selfishness may be called woundedness, and addiction can be reframed as self-medication; etc.

      Use reframing to lower the odds that evocative words will cause over-emotional reactions in your listener, raise their e-level and block their hearing.         //      close