About Communication Styles

      Every adult and child develops a unique communication style, depending on their upbringing and which subselves govern their personality. Each style has unique personal and social impacts. Some common styles are timid, apologetic, empathic, assertive, aggressive, in/direct, humorous, intellectual, passionate, "open," vague, clear, provocative, respectful, self-centered, quiet, reserved, loud, truthful, dis/honest, un/fo-cused, ir/relevant, pessimistic, idealistic, intellectual, and avoidant. Some people un/consciously switch their styles to fit different situations and partners and others don't.

      Some communication styles are harmonious, and others conflict. Communication styles are effective if they usually help all people involved get their current primary needs met well enough, including promoting or preserving each person's trust, and self and mutual respect. "Toxic" communication styles lower these traits and the nurturance-level of relation-ships. People who survive low-nurturance childhoods often have ineffective or toxic styles, aren't aware of that, or don't know how to improve it. Lesson 2 in this site focuses on learning to communicate effectively.

      Once you become aware of communication basics and styles, you can improve and harmonize them. How would other people describe your communication style?