About Being "Fear-Based"

        Typical people raised in low-nurturance childhoods often bear two to six psychological wounds. When the wound of  excessive fears dominates their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, a person may be called "fear-based." This differentiates them from shame-based or other types of wounded early-trauma survivors.  

        Excessive (vs. normal) fears are caused by one or more scared young personality subselves and their tireless Guardian subselves. The latter focus on preventing and reducing major pain from  "failure," (i.e. shame and guilt) + rejection and abandonment + emotional overwhelm (e.g. from intense conflicts or intimacy) + the unknown. The Scared Child subself causes thoughts and feelings of intense anxiety ("worry") or terror. These are  based on experienced agony from early-childhood abandonment (neglect) and abuse. 

        Once admitted, excessive fears and related psychological wounds can be significantly reduced. One wound-recovery goal becomes helping the Scared Child and related Guardian subselves develop steady trust in the ability of the resident true Self (capital "S") to keep them all safe enough from significant pain. When that hap-pens, chronic worries and anxieties wane. self-improvement Lesson 1 focuses on identifying and reducing significant psychological wounds.

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