Lesson 1 of 7 - free your true Self to guide you

Men's Health In Crisis

Men Die Earlier, Have
Worse Health Than Women


WebMD Medical News


The Web address of this article is http://sfhelp.org/gwc/news/men's_health.htm

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        This research summary adds credibility to the need for Lesson 1 in this nonprofit Web site: See my comments following the article. The hilights and links below  are mine. - Peter Gerlach, MSW

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April 29, 2003 -- American men have poorer health and die sooner than women, especially if they're minorities. It is a health crisis highlighted by a leading medical journal, which has devoted most of its May issue to men's health.

"Men in all socioeconomic levels are doing poorly in terms of health," writes David R. Williams, PhD, MPH, with the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. However, men of color -- especially low-income men -- are "especially vulnerable," he says.

"Sadly, the health status of African American men may serve as the proverbial canary in the coal mine for other poor men in this nation and in our global village," writes Henrie M. Treadwell, PhD, a researcher with the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.

Among other statistics cited in the American Journal of Public Health:

  • Men have higher death rates than women for 15 leading causes of death except Alzheimer's disease. Men's death rates are at least twice as high for accidents, murder, suicide, and liver disorders.

  • Men's life expectancy remains almost five years shorter than for women -- and black men die almost 12 years sooner than white women.

  • Men are slightly more likely to get high blood pressure or cancer, and twice as likely to consume more than five alcoholic drinks a day.

  • Men are more likely than women to be imprisoned, homeless, or to use illegal drugs.

  • Minority men are more likely to live in poverty. While 17% of white men are uninsured, 28% of black men and almost half of Hispanic men have no insurance.

Also, women are twice as likely as men to visit a doctor each year. When men do see a doctor, the visits are shorter and are less likely to include advice on lifestyle changes that promote better health.

Work environment also takes its toll, Williams points out. Men tend to work in more dangerous jobs than women, and men represent 90% of job fatalities. Stressors and negative emotional states created by poor working conditions can lead to poor sleeping patterns, decreased physical activity, substance abuse, and overeating -- all of which negatively impact men's health.

SOURCE: May 2003 American Journal of Public Health.


:     This summary doesn't speculate on whether American men's poorer health, greater self-neglect, and earlier deaths are caused by genetic, social, and/or psychological factors. It also omits the research suggesting that typical married men seem to be happier and healthier than single men.

        If you combine the findings above with these and these, one inference is that average U.S. males may be more psychologically wounded than females - specially in low-income and minority families. If true, this has significant implications for adults raising boys; and educators; medical, mental health, legal professionals; and family-policy makers.

        The findings above add incentive for adults to learn about (a) the inherited [wounds + unawareness] cycle and its impacts, and about (b) how to break this lethal cycle and protect future generations from it

 - Peter Gerlach, MSW

See also this summary of common gender differences.  and these related research summaries - specially...:

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Updated April 11, 2015