Lesson 5 of 7 - evolve a high-nurturance family


By Peter Gerlach, MSW

Member NSRC Experts Council


The Web address of this article is https://sfhelp.org/fam/links5.htm

Updated 03-19-2015

      This brief video overviews Lesson 5: It mentions eight self-improvement lessons in this site. I've reduced that to seven.

      Premise - families have existed in every age and culture because they fill their members primary needs (nurture) better than other human groups. Widespread social problems like abuse, abandonment, abortion, crime, gangs, addictions, murder, suicide, homelessness, welfare dependence, bankruptcies,  prejudice, terrorism, depression, obesity, and "mental health" problems strongly indicate typical U.S. families (like yours?) are "low nurturance." Their members' needs aren't being met well enough.

      So far, we (the public) minimize and passively condone this.

      This nonprofit, educational Web site uses 30 years' research to propose why this is, and what you can do about it - starting with your own family. The articles below build on the ideas in Lessons 1 thru 4  so study them before starting this Lesson.

 Lesson 5:

  • learn family basics, and use them and Lessons 1-4 to,,,

  • evolve a high-nurturance family and...

  • protect your members and descendents from inheriting the lethal [wounds + unawareness] cycle.

Lesson 6 uses the prior lessons to focus on effective parenting. Lesson 7 explores how to evolve a high-nurturance stepfamily.


5-1)  Lesson 5 steps. Articles and worksheets about healthy family functioning:

5-2)  A quiz on family basics. How much do you know?

5-3)  Questions and answers about families

5-4)  Traits of a high-nurturance family or other group

5-5)  What's unique about family relationships?

5-6)  Resolve family role and rule problems

5-7)  What is a family system, and how can you use this concept?

5-8)  Introduction to mapping a family's structure - a visual tool

5-9)  Introduction to making a family genogram - a visual tool

5-10)  Overview of the lethal [wounds + unawareness] cycle

5-11)  Why and how to make and use a family mission or vision statement

5-12)  Perspective on children leaving home

5-13)  Perspective on family secrets

5-14)  Why and how to hold an effective family meeting

5-15)  Understand addictions - a symptom of family dysfunction.

5-16)  Why family "money problems" are not about "money

5-17)  Perspective on managing a divorcing family effectively

5-18)  Ways to- have "good enough" gatherings after a major trauma like death, desertion, or divorce

5-19)  Q&A about common family sexual problems

5-20)  Q&A about counseling and therapy

5-21)  How to start or choose an effective support group (a 9-page series)

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