7 self-improvement Lessons for a better life

Questions You Should Ask

What your parents
 didn't teach you

By Peter K. Gerlach, MSW
Member NSRC Experts Council


  The Web address of this article is https://sfhelp.org/qa.htm

 Updated 12-25-2014

      Clicking underlined links here will open a new window. Plain links will open  an informational popup, so please turn off your browser's popup blocker or allow popups from this nonprofit Web site. If your playback device doesn't support Javascript, the popups may not display. Follow underlined links after finishing this article to avoid getting lost.

      To prepare for the questions below, first read:

  • the intro to this Web site, and the premises underlying it;

  • about these five epidemic hazards that cause the lethal cycle that is probably affecting you and your family (video below);

      This nonprofit educational Web site exists to reduce harmful adult ignorance (lack of knowledge). Based on research since 1979, I believe our ancestors, school systems, and media don't teach people fundamental knowledge they need to live healthy, optimal lives. Stark evidence is everywhere: self-neglect, obesity, abuse, abandonment, crime, "depression," poverty, addictions, abortions, "mental illness," divorce, violence, terrorism, bigotry, gangs, homelessness, litigation, and so on.  

       Despite formal education and life experience, most adults don't know what they need to know - so they don't seek answers to the questions in the box below until they experience major problems.

      This article links to useful questions and answers everyone - including PhDs and "mental health" professionals - should study. To sample what you and others need to know, try these quizzes.  

Q&A Topics

      Click a topic to see and scan related questions. Each question links to answers in a summary popup or a full article in this Web site. If you don't find your question, try searching the site or ask me! Alphabetically...

Divorcing parents and their relatives, new partners, supporters, and older kids should also study these Q&A articles:





stepfamily support groups


      Practical answers to all these questions can be found in...

The Break the Cycle! Self-improvement Course:

      This Web site exists to reduce the silent bequest of [psychological wounds and unawareness] that is spreading down our human generations across the world. The online lessons in this site offer practical information on the topics above: Each lesson builds on the prior ones, so study them in order.

Lesson 1 - assess for and reduce psychological wounds from early-childhood trauma - free your wise true Self to guide you;

Lesson 2 - learn seven skills to improve your thinking and communication effectiveness

Lesson 3 - guard yourself and your family against the toxic effects of incomplete mourning

Lesson 4 - optimize your inner-family and interpersonal relationships

Lesson 5 - learn how to grow and maintain a high-nurturance (functional) family

Lesson 6 - learn to parent effectively, to protect your kids from inheriting psychological [wounds + unawareness]

Lesson 7 - use lessons 1-6 to co-create and maintain a high-nurturance stepfamily

  If you're a media professional, please read this.

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