Parts-work Strategies,
concluded (page
4 of 4)
Use this parts-work strategy if you feel you can't control some
impulsive behaviors.
An "impulsive behavior" occurs when you react physically and/or vocally
to someone or something "without thinking" - e.g. swearing, screaming,
name-calling, self-injury, teeth-clenching, slapping, punching, pushing,
throwing or breaking things, etc. This is similar to compulsive
behavior, like "uncontrollable" hand-washing, nail biting,
knuckle-cracking, etc.
Premise - "poor
impulse control" is caused by one or several personality subselves who
are activated by some trigger and instantly activate and take over the
true Self.
This is a
reflexive reaction to the trigger, and cannot be controlled by "logic,"
"reasoning," or "willpower."
goals -
identify the subselves who cause the problem impulses, and use patient
inner dialogs to get them to trust your true Self. retrain them and stop
their impulsive reactions
Option - use the following outline as a checklist to keep you on
__ Vividly
imagine how your life could be if you normalize your sexual attitudes
and behaviors, Use your image to motivate you to persist with this parts-work strategy.
__ Read
this whole strategy first, to get the big picture. Watch for your
trying to block or delay your
using this strategy. Ask them to trust this process and observe as your Self
carries out these steps.
__ Patiently
work to
your true Self to guide you, and _ review
the parts-work overview
on p. 1. Is your Self
you now? If not - who is?
__ Adopt a
long-range, patient point of view, rather than expecting quick changes.
Helpful mottos: "A day at a time" and "Progress, not perfection."
__ Ground
yourself - search the Web for info on "impulse control" and
compare what you find with what follows.
Raise your
self-awareness: read this,
and learn to practice this simple
Assess yourself for
inherited psychological
wounds cause "inner
pain" - a fluctuating mix of anxiety and fear,
loneliness, emptiness, confusion, sadness, regret, guilt,
shame, frustration, and despair |
Draft your roster of
personality subselves and group them as Inner Kids, Guardians, and
__ _
specifically what you want to change about your impulses. Then _ identify what subselves and/or people
may resist your changing
Use these strategies for taming
anger attacks and
compulsions as models.
If you
haven't met with your
(Good Parent) subself, before, establish
contact with it now.
Clarify what this Manager subself exists to do. If you don't have a
Nurturer, watch for chances to reassign another Guardian subself to this
vital inner-family role.
__ If
your target impulse is yelling, swearing, name-calling, etc, suspect
overwhelmed, hurt, selfish, frustrated, and/or angry Inner Children are
causing your reactive behavior. Try working patiently with each of them
using these ideas.
If your target impulse is something else, call an inner
council meeting. Ask all your
subselves to help identify which one/s are causing the impulse. _ If you
don't get a clear answer, _ look at your list of subselves and use your
intuition to guesstimate which subselves are causing your behavior.
Befriend each likely
subself and confirm whether it is causing the impulsive behavior or not.
If one is, learn _ why ("What would happen of you stopped?"), and _ if
s/he's living in the past. _ As appropriate,
retrain each subself,
bring it into the present, and
work patiently to get it to trust your
true Self and to stop the impulsive behavior.
If steps like these don't work over time, consider using
EMDR therapy.
__ Review the goals of
this strategy (above) and the steps comprising it.
Use this strategy as a flexible framework, not a rigid "cookbook,"
Use your
Creative subself to edit these steps and add others ones that occur
to you.
Consider _ using a veteran
parts-work (IFS) therapist to help with this strategy,
and/or _ starting or joining a
group of people interested in benefiting from parts work
Stay aware that the overarching goal of parts work is to
harmonize your inner family and
free your true Self to guide you in
all situations.
Use this
parts-work strategy if you can't control your sexual urges,
thoughts, or behaviors
Sexual impulses, fantasies, and responses are primal among young and
adult humans. A normal challenge to child caregivers is to teach kids
how to control their sexual impulses and behaviors.
"Sexual dysfunction" can broadly refer to people who are unable to
control their sexual thoughts and behaviors - i.e. sexual abuse and
addiction, promiscuity, compulsive physical masturbation and mental
excitement via pornography, prostitution, sexual identity confusion, and
over-emphasizing sexuality in social interactions
Sexual functioning is a complex mental + emotional +
physiological + spiritual + environmental subject. This parts-work
strategy is confined to relieving two specific kinds of "sexual
problems" - promiscuity and "over-sexualizing" relationships.
Here, promiscuity
means compulsively seeking sexual excitement and interaction with one or
more partners in a way that significantly interferes with
wholistically-healthy relationships and life. It may or may not
include physical intercourse. "Over-sexualizing"
means compulsive, inappropriate use of sexual language,
innuendos, metaphors, humor, symbols, and gestures.
This parts-work strategy assumes that typical non-biological sexual
problems are caused by a traumatic early childhood (e.g. some form of sexual
abuse + a dysfunctional family) + unawareness + a disabled true Self)
goals - permanently end promiscuous and over-sexualized
behavior via increased self-awareness and patient parts work
Option - use the following outline as a checklist to keep you on
__ Vividly
imagine how your life could be if you normalize your sexual attitudes
and behaviors, Use your image to motivate you to persist with this parts-work strategy.
__ Read
this whole strategy first, to get the big picture. Watch for your
trying to block or delay your
using this strategy. Ask them to trust this process and observe as your Self
carries out these steps.
__ Patiently
work to
your true Self to guide you, and _ review
the parts-work overview
on p. 1. Is your Self
you now? If not - who is?
__ Adopt
long-range, patient point of view, rather than expecting quick changes.
Helpful mottos: "A day at a time" and "Progress, not perfection."
yourself - search the Web for info on "promiscuity" and "sexual
obsession." Compare what you find with what follows.
Raise your
self-awareness: read this,
and learn to practice this simple
Assess yourself for
inherited psychological
wounds cause "inner
pain" - a fluctuating mix of anxiety and fear,
loneliness, emptiness, confusion, sadness, regret, guilt,
shame, frustration, and despair |
__ Consider
that your preoccupation with sex is a compulsion whose reliable payoffs
are (a) an unconscious distraction from your inner pain, and (b) various
emotional, social, and physical satisfactions.
_ Apply this
strategy on reducing
compulsions and obsessions.
__ Evaluate
whether using chemicals like alcohol initiates or amplifies your sexual
compulsion. To minimize the chance you're in denial, seek the opinion of
someone who know1s you well and whom you trust to tell you the If
appropriate, patiently implement this strategy on
attaining sobriety from an
__ Meditate
and identify the specific effects of your sexual compulsion on _ your
self-esteem and _ your key relationships. Do they increase or decrease
your inner pain in the long run?
Draft your roster of
personality subselves and group them as Inner Kids, Guardians, and
__ _
specifically what you want to change about your sexual thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors. Then _ identify what subselves and/or people
may resist your changing |
If you
haven't met with your
(Good Parent) subself, before, establish
contact with it now.
Clarify what this Manager subself exists to do. If you don't have a
Nurturer, watch for chances to reassign another Guardian subself to this
vital inner-family role.
__ Review
your roster to see if you have a
who gives
you sexual urges and fantasies.. If you haven't listed it, add it now. Often this normal subself is an Inner
Befriend this
part. Learn _ how old s/he is (developmentally), _ what year s/he thinks it is, and _ whether s/he
trusts your Self to make decisions.
_ Introduce your
Sexual One to your Nurturer, and if appropriate, invite him or her
to come live in the present with you (all).
__ See if you have
Guardian subself. If so, _ befriend
it, _ learn what s/he's trying to do, _ whom s/he's protecting, and
_ whether s/he trusts your Self to lead your inner family.
__ Check to
see if your
feels you have to be overly sexual "to be a
real (wo)man."
__ If you often use sexual language, metaphors, and/or humor, seek to
identify _ what subself causes that (e.g. a Rebel or Raunchy One), and _
why. Help this part understand that such behavior is offensive to many
people, and ask it to change.
Options - ask another Guardian part to monitor this "Raunchy"
and remind it to stop "talking dirty." If appropriate, use this parts-work
strategy to help your subselves to gain
__ As needed,
_ retrain any of these subselves, _ bring
them to live in the present, and _ learn what they need in order to
trust your Self to make decisions about sexual and other behavior.
__ Perhaps
with professional help, identify which
are causing your
inner pain. They usually include your Sad, Scared, Lonely, Abandoned,
Needy, Overwhelmed, Guilty, Hopeless, and Shamed Kids.
Work with each Child patiently, and
bring her or him to live permanently in the present under the loving
care of your Nurturer and perhaps a Guardian Angel.
__ Call an
internal council meeting, and tell everyone of the changes you're making
- specially that your Kids are now well cared for in the present.
__ Review the
specific changes you want to make in your sexual thoughts and behaviors.
Then negotiate with your Sexual One and your Flirt / Whore / Stud
Guardian to get them to agree to the changes and stop
__ Trust your intuition: be
open to choosing different or additional Kids and Guardians than
those above to achieve the changes you want..
__ Meditate
on whether any living or dead family member/s, hero/ines, friends, or
other key people are encouraging or openly or indirectly rewarding
you for promiscuous and/or overly sexual behavior. If so, form and
assert boundaries to limit or end this.
__ If you're
committed to an intimate partner now, assess _ how satisfied you each are
with your shared sensuality and sexuality. and _ whether that's
influencing how you behave with other people. _ For perspective, read
this article.
__ Explore
whether any of the several types of 12-step
support groups might be useful: Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA);
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA), or Sex
Addicts Anonymous (SAA).
Option: _ Use the
Web to locate therapists and programs specializing in sexual matters.
Here's a
sample. Few or none
of these resources will include parts work in their programs or services.
__ Review the goals of
this strategy (above) and the steps comprising it.
Use this strategy as a flexible framework, not a rigid "cookbook,"
Use your
Creative subself to edit these steps and add others ones that occur
to you.
Consider _ using a veteran
parts-work (IFS) therapist to help with this strategy,
and/or _ starting or joining a
group of people interested in benefiting from parts work
Stay aware that the overarching goal of parts work is to
harmonize your inner family and
free your true Self to guide you in
all situations.
Use this parts-work strategy
if you believe you
have - or have been diagnosed with - PTSD. Use this strategy
whether you're getting professional help for it or not.
"trauma" is any event or process that significantly degrades your
ability to function well, temporarily or permanently. Traumatic events
can happen suddenly (like a car crash) or silently over some years (like
parental neglect).
Mayo Clinic Web site states "PTSD symptoms may start
within three months of a traumatic event, but sometimes symptoms may not
appear until years after the event. These symptoms cause significant
problems in social or work situations and in relationships.
PTSD symptoms are generally grouped into four types: intrusive memories,
avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, or changes in
emotional reactions "
kids and adults experience common symptoms after a major shock - like
anxieties, sleep disorders, avoidances, extra-sensitivity, irritability,
and selective memory problems. If such symptoms persist or get worse
over time, clinicians suspect PTSD.
professionals who use the (outdated) "medical model" of "mental health
problems" view PTSD as a "disease." After
36 years' experience as a
psychotherapist including
23 years' working with a wide range of
non-military adult trauma survivors, I disagree. PTSD symptoms are caused by
psychological injuries, not germs or organ malfunction
I propose that many or most PTSD
symptoms stem from a
and up to five other
injuries acquired in early childhood from
significant parental neglect, abandonment, and abuse - i.e. trauma.
These injuries manifest as one or more of these: excessive shame; guilt;
fears; trust problems: reality distortions; and difficulty feeling,
bonding, and empathizing.
Implication: if I'm right...
many or most diagnoses of "PTSD" are
superficial or wrong,
many clinical "treatments" will be slow or
ineffective, and..
the number of kids and adults carrying significant
trauma wounds is far wider than generally accepted because
birth-family dysfunction and
early trauma is our global norm.
My experience as a therapist suggests that skilled parts work (internal
family systems therapy) can effectively reduce the psychological
wounds that cause typical PTSD symptoms and many other nonorganic
psychological "disorders."
Strategy goals -
_ reduce specific PTSD symptoms by identifying the
personality subselves causing them, working with these
subselves to change and free your wise true Self to guide
you in all situations; and _ learn
outline has two parts: (1) a basic parts-work strategy for all
PTSD symptoms, and (2) an example of the strategy applied to the symptom
of "flashbacks."
Basic PTSD Parts-work Strategy
__ Read
this whole strategy first, to get the big picture. Watch for your
trying to block or delay your
using this strategy. Ask them to trust the process, relax, and observe as your Self
carries out these steps.
_ Patiently
work to
your true Self to guide you, and _ review
the parts-work overview
on p. 1. Is your Self
you now? If not - who is?
__ Adopt a
long-range, patient point of view, rather than expecting quick changes.
Mottos: "A day at a time" and "Progress, not perfection."
__ Say your
definition of "trauma" out loud. Then meditate and identify one or more
traumas you've experienced, and group them as minor to major, Include
any major
and early-childhood abandonment,
neglect, and
abuse that occurred over
some years. Note that "PTSD"
symptoms may come from one catastrophic event or a series of
lower-impact events.
__ Accept
that "treating PTSD" is really healing a group of related problems,
each of which has it's own symptoms and parts-work strategy. Expect any
materials and treatment programs you use to heal PTSD to ignore
parts-work as an effective therapy, This is so because it's
relatively unknown to mental-health
__ Ground
yourself: _search the Web for info on "PTSD" and compare what you
find with this strategy. Then _
study the first three parts of
online lesson 1 at
__ Test your
knowledge. Take this free quiz on
personalities and psychological wounds.
__ Increase
your awareness: scan the non-profit Web site for parts-work (IFS) resources.
Assess yourself for inherited
psychological wounds, Then _ study this overview of
healing your wounds.
__ List the
specific psychological and physical symptoms that you feel come from
"PTSD." There are over
20 symptoms commonly associated with this condition, and each
person has a unique mix of several of them.
__ See if any
of your symptoms are included in this
index of parts-work
strategies. If any are included, patiently invest some weeks in
implementing the parts-work strategy summarized here, and see what you
If you have PTSD symptoms that aren't included in this strategy
index, here's an example of what to do with each such symptom:
Strategy for the PTSD Symptom of Flashbacks
A "flashback" is a vivid re-living of a traumatic
event which feels just like original trauma did. Flashbacks
can create major panic, disorientation, nausea, physical stress or pain,
and overwhelm. PTSD sufferers may experience repeated flashbacks which
continue to retraumatize them and prolong other symptoms. Flashbacks can
occur during the day or at night, as "nightmares."
Here's a way to
use parts work to stop recurring nightmares and flashbacks,
Option - use the following outline
as a checklist to keep you on track.
__ Learn more:
search the Web on "flashbacks" and scan several results. Here's a
from Wikipedia.
List your personality
subselves, and group them as Inner Children, Guardians, and Managers.
__ Objectively define the
trauma that you feel is causing your flashbacks and other symptoms -
e.g. "My cousin raped me," "I nearly drowned when ____," "I saw my
Father kill my Mother," or "I thought the storm / flood / fire /
earthquake / crash was going to kill us all," etc
__ When your parts feel
safe enough, write a detailed
description of the flashback, including sights, sounds, smells,
and thoughts, and feelings. Write it in the first person, present tense:
"I feel / see / smell / fear / expect / realize / need / etc.
Alternatively, audio or video record a detailed description of the trauma. Be compassionately alert for subselves who want to block or
distract you from this initial healing step.
If you
haven't met with your
(Good Parent) subself, before, establish
contact with it now.
Clarify what this Manager subself exists to do. If you don't have a
Nurturer, watch for chances to reassign another Guardian subself to this
vital inner-family role.
__ Learn what
- specifically - frightens your
Gently ask what s/he
remembers about the trauma. If s/he doesn't remember "anything," suspect
that a
Guardian is protecting her or him..
implement this parts-work strategy to
reduce major fears.
(calm and nurture your Scared Child.
__ Patiently
work with each other
who may
have been impacted by the trauma - e.g. your Overwhelmed, Lost,
Abandoned, Hurt, Sad, Angry, Guilty, and Shamed young subselves. Seek to
learn gently if and how the trauma affected each one. As you do,
stay alert to learn which Guardian subselves may be protecting each
Child from trauma-related (or other) pain.
Option - stay alert for potential benefits of
redoing some aspect of the trauma
with any subself - specially your Inner Kids.
Befriend your
/ Memory-keeper subself. Ask if s/he is giving you the
flashbacks and/or nightmares. If so, ask why, and what triggers that?
Explain that doing so greatly upsets your Inner Kids, and that you need
her or him to stop the flashbacks and stop
If the
Historian isn't causing your flashbacks, ask if s/he knows which
subself is doing so.
Option - call an inner-council
meeting, and ask who is causing your flashbacks and nightmares.
If a part is named, befriend it and learn why it's doing that. Ask what
this subself feels would happen if s/he stopped re-traumatizing your
inner family and disabling your Self.
Consider _ using a veteran
(IFS) therapist to help tailor and implement this strategy.
In shopping for one,
ask "What experience have you had in reducing or ending flashbacks?"
Option - _ consider starting or joining a
group of people interested in benefiting from parts work
Note - some people are
able to end flashbacks with
EMDR therapy and/or clinical hypnosis. Learn more on the Web.
It's unlikely that either process will end psychological wounds and false-self domination.
+ + +
This is a sample parts-work strategy for reducing or ending
one of many symptoms of "PTSD" - recurring flashbacks.
Use a similar strategy to reduce each other symptom you
have. Using
parts work to free your true
Self to guide you should reduce all
symptoms over time. Opinion - most nonorganic
psychological problems are symptoms of [wounds +
from GWC ancestors.
Use this parts-work strategy if
you habitually seek others' approval by putting their needs ahead of yours.
of early-childhood abandonment, neglect, and abuse develop the unconscious
habit of "being nice" and deferring to other people to avoid conflict,
dislike, and rejection. This results in self-distrust, frustration, and
superficial or abusive relationships. Habitually putting other able-adults'
needs first is self neglect and self-abandonment, which unconsciously
replicates your childhood.
This self-neglect reflex is usually caused by People-pleaser and
Worrier Guardian subselves who distrust your true Self's ability to
protect your Abandoned, Scared, Lonely, and Shamed
parts work, and education can change this stressor to ranking your needs and
opinions as highly as anyone else's except in emergencies.
Strategy goals: get your Guardian subselves to trust your Self
to protect your Inner Kids, and to stop taking your Self over, Then learn to
assert your needs and opinions with anyone without anxiety and guilt.
the goal here is
convert compulsive self-abandonment to self-care over time. The overall goal
is to
your true Self to
guide you.
Option - use the following outline as a checklist to keep you
on track.
Think of someone you admire for being self-confident and
assertive in all situations. Then vividly imagine how your life
will be when you gain the same calm confidence and ability,
Periodically refer to this image to power your work on this parts-work strategy.
__ Read
this whole strategy first, to get the big picture. Watch for your
trying to block or delay your
using these steps. Ask each of them to
trust this process, relax, and observe as your Self
carries out these steps.
__ Adopt a
long-range, patient point of view, rather than expecting quick changes.
Mottos: "A day at a time" and "Progress, not perfection."
Assess yourself for inherited
psychological wounds, Then _ study this overview of
healing your wounds.
Complete your roster of
personality subselves and group them as Inner Kids,
Guardians, and Managers.
the parts-work overview
on p. 1. Is your Self
you now? If not - who is?
this parts-work strategy for
converting excessive shame
into non-egotistical self-love and self-respect. The focus of
this strategy is befriending and nurturing your
and retraining their several Guardians so they stop
this strategy for converting
excessive fears
of conflict, rejection, and abandonment into steady self confidence.
Tailor the strategy to nurturing and protecting your
Inner Children and gaining the trust of their Guardian subselves.
Introduce these Kids to your other
subselves, and reassure them they will never be abandoned and alone
__ See
if you've included a
/ "Nice Guy," / "Nice Gal" or similar in your roster of Guardian
subselves. If not, add him or her to your list. S/He is the one who tries so
hard to get others to like you.
See if you have a
and a
among your Guardians. Each of these well-meaning subselves will try to
persuade you to not become respectful assertive. ("Too dangerous!" /
"It won't work!" / "You can't do it!" / "People will get mad!" etc.)
a Personal Bill of Rights like this
example. It's the foundation of effective assertion skill.
As you do this, be alert for subselves that try to block or distract your
Commit to improving your
communication skills - specially
Practice these with various people and subselves, and notice the benefits.
Review and experiment with these options for increasing
self confidence and
self love over time.
__ Call
an inner council meeting of your
subselves and _ teach them your rights as a unique, worthy, dignified
person. Declare that your rights are just as important as any other
person's, regardless of their age, gender, title, color, genes, or belief. _
Then teach them the communication skills you're learning.
One at a time,
befriend your
People pleaser, Catastrophizer, Worrier, and Skeptic.
Learn which Inner Kids each of these Guardians is protecting, and
work with each young one as needed to
bring it to the present and join your other subselves.
Reassure each of these Guardians that the Child(ren) s/he is
protecting is now safe and cared for in the present. That means s/he
(the Guardian) can consider
retraining for a valuable
new inner-family role of your choice.
Invite each of these four Guardians to now act as a valued advisor
to your Self, and stop taking it over (blending). If s/he balks, see
Be alert for any subself who believes outdated rules like "It's
not safe to speak up." or "I'm not supposed to (assert myself)."
Invite any such part to adopt new rules like "I have the right to
declare my needs and opinions," and "I'm learning how to safely
assert myself with anyone."
__ Review the goals of
this strategy (above) and the steps comprising it.
Use this strategy as a flexible framework, not a rigid "cookbook."
Use your
Creative subself to edit these steps and add others that occur
to you.
Consider _ using a veteran
parts-work (IFS) therapist to help with this strategy,
and/or _ starting or joining a
group of people interested in benefiting from parts work.
Stay aware that the overarching goal of parts work is to
harmonize your inner family and
free your true Self to guide you in
all situations.
Use this parts-work
strategy if
catastrophize, deny, idealize, project, minimize,
exaggerate, or otherwise
distort reality (e.g. with
illusions, delusions, hallucinations, paranoias, mis-remembering,
neuroses, and psychoses) "too much." Reality distortion is one of
six psychological
from wounded, unaware ancestors.
Personality subselves can cause us to perceive
things that don't exist ("I know you were flirting!"),
and to not perceive things that really do exist ("I was
not traumatized as a young child!"). Some such distortions are
psychological (non-organic), and others are influenced by genetic
and/or neurochemical malfunctions.
The mental dynamic called
demonstrates the human ability to interpret perceptions of "reality"
in opposite ways This amazing perceptual flexibility has
left humans arguing "What is reality?" for millennia.
Significant reality distortion promotes self-doubts, confusion, anxiety, and interpersonal conflicts.
It is often caused by caused by protective personality subself
called "the Magician" to shield Inner Kids from stress.
Strategy goals - discover which subselves cause reality
distortions and why, and get them to stop
disabling your clear-seeing true Self.
There are many forms of reality distortion, each with unique
strategy below illustrates how parts work can be used with any
form of this psychological wound.
Note this paradox: many
people unconsciously using denial to avoid
deny they're
doing so "I'm not denying anything!" So the first step
here is to accept that you are denying something.
You may feel you don't need this strategy until events force you to admit you've been distorting reality in
some way - i.e. you
may have to hit true bottom
before recognizing major denials.
__ Read
this overview of the
psychological wound of reality distortion. Then _ identify what
types of distortion you want to reduce or end.
Sample Parts-work Strategy: Reduce
Option - use the following outline as a checklist to keep you
on track.
__ Read
this whole strategy first, to get the big picture. Watch for your
trying to block or delay your
using this strategy. Ask them to
trust this process, relax, and observe as your Self
carries out these steps.
__ Patiently work to
your true Self to guide you, and _ review
the parts-work overview
on p. 1. Is your Self
you now? If not - who is?
__ Adopt a
long-range, patient point of view, rather than expecting quick changes.
Mottos: "A day at a time" and "Progress, not perfection."
__ For
perspective, search the Web on "psychological denial" and scan
several of the resources you find. Here's a
Assess yourself for inherited
psychological wounds, Then _ study this overview of
healing your wounds.
Complete your roster of subselves and group them as Inner Kids,
Guardians, and Managers.
__ If you
haven't met with your
(Good Parent) subself, before, establish
contact with it now.
Clarify what this Manager subself exists to do. If you don't have a
Nurturer, watch for chances to reassign another Guardian subself to this
vital inner-family role.
__ See if
you've included a Guardian subself in your roster who's called "the
"Witch," "Illusionist," "Wizard," or similar. If not, add it
now. The role of this common
personality part is to protect one or more Inner Kids from major pain like fear, sadness, horror,
frustration, loneliness, emptiness, guilt, overwhelm, shame, and/or
despair. Your subself does this by distorting reality.
Befriend your
Magician and ask _ what year s/he thinks is it is, _ what s/he's
trying to do, and _ why (who is s/he protecting?). If your Magician
is living in the past, _ invite her or him to
come live permanently in the
__ Patiently
work with each
that the Magician could be protecting -
specially your Abandoned, Hurt, Sad, Lost, Needy, Overwhelmed,
Guilty, and Shamed Kids. Bring them safely into the present under
the care of your tireless Nurturer and perhaps a Guardian Angel
(Manager subself). m
__ When
your Kids are all safe, work to convince your Magician that s/he no
longer needs to distort reality by denying. Persuade him or her to
trust your Self and stop
__ Recall
that there are several ways to distort reality: idealizing,
exaggerating, catastrophizing, projecting, minimizing, hallucinating,
psychoses, and paranoia. Each of these is probably caused by a
protective Guardian subself like the Magician. If you have one or
more of these distractions from inner pain, adapt the strategy above
to reduce or end it.
__ Review the goals of
this strategy (above) and the steps comprising it.
Use this strategy as a flexible framework, not a rigid "cookbook."
Use your
Creative subself to edit these steps and add others ones that occur
to you.
Consider _ using a veteran
parts-work (IFS) therapist to help with this strategy,
and/or _ starting or joining a
group of people interested in benefiting from parts work
Stay aware that the overarching goal of parts work is to
harmonize your inner family and
free your true Self to guide you in
all situations.
Use this
parts-work strategy if you have trouble "keeping your word" -
i.e. you make promises to yourself and/or others that you don't
Many Grown Wounded Children
have this
stressful trait. It promotes distrust, scorn, irritation,
frustration, blame, conflict, guilt, shame, and self doubt.
Unreliability usually comes
from several different personality subselves who distrust and
your true Self:
your People Pleaser (who hates saying "No"); your
Peacemaker, who
hates conflict; your Saboteur; your Procrastinator; perhaps an
"Irresponsible One" (I don't want to grow up!") or a
"Hippy" ("I just want to live free!"); Lazy, Selfish,
and/or Rebellious Inner Kids; and your Magician and/or Victim, who
justify being unreliable ("I just can't help it!").
You probably have some, not all, of these subselves contributing to
your problem. Stay aware that each Guardian subself is trying to
help you in it's own (often misguided) way.
A second component of this "unreliability problem" is
unawareness: not
knowing how to identify and assert your personal rights, needs,
limits, and boundaries. A possible third component is some important
(wounded) people in your life who demand that you put their needs
and values before your own, and cannot tolerate you saying "No."
Option - use the following outline as a checklist to keep you
on track.
Strategy goals -
Identify which subselves are
causing your unreliability, befriend and retrain them, and
persuade each of them to trust your Self and stop disabling him
or her; and...
Learn to be (a)
respectfully assertive with others, and (b) protective of your
integrity (your "word").
+ + +
imagine how your life could be if you
become more responsible, Refer to your image periodically to keep
your motivation to progress on this parts-work strategy.
__ Accept that
_ you are a normal Grown Wounded Child (GWC), who _ "breaks promises" to
yourself and/or other people (including kids) "too often."
Acknowledge that you are
wounded, not "bad," "irresponsible," "self-centered,"
"thoughtless," "uncaring," "immature," or other self-critical labels.
__ Read
this whole strategy first, to get the big picture. Watch for your
trying to block or delay your
using this strategy. Work with them to
trust this process and observe as your Self
carries out these steps.
__ Patiently
work to
your true Self to guide you, and _ review
the parts-work overview
on p. 1. Is your Self
you now? If not - who is?
__ Adopt a
long-range, patient point of view, rather than expecting quick changes.
Helpful mottos: "A day at a time" and "Progress, not perfection."
__ List your
current top five life priorities. Is "honor my integrity" among them? If
you're unclear on what integrity means, read
this and come back here.
__ Meditate
on these ideas about respect,
Do you respect yourself (your Self) often enough? Breaking promises
usually lowers self respect (increases shame).
your personality subselves, and group them as Inner Children, Guardians,
and Managers.
__ Use your
roster to make an intuitive guess about which subselves are causing your
"promise-breaking" behavior - e.g. those above.
List the responsibilities
_ to yourself and _ to other people that you're having trouble
fulfilling. Responsibilities to yourself ("self discipline") can
include balancing things like healthy eating, sleeping, exercising,
healing psychological wounds. truth-telling, focusing, learning,
spiritual growth, parenting, and socializing.
__ If you
have trouble procrastinating ("putting things off"), work at
this strategy,
__ See if
you have a
Hippy/Gypsy ("I just want to be free!),
and/or an
If so, _ befriend each one, and learn _ her/his specialty
(role), and _ which Inner Kid/s s/he's protecting.
__ One at
a time, work patiently with each
that may promote irresponsibility - e.g. your
Scared, Playful, Bored, Selfish, Loner, and Independent Kids
As you do
this, work with your Pleaser and Peacemaker to accept that the Inner Kids
they're protecting are safe and well cared for, That means
they can relax
and trust your Self, Wise One, and Nurturer to manage displeasing
other people. _ Option - teach your
that it's OK to invite other able people solve their own problems
("help by not helping"), so
you don't have to feel responsible for them as well as yourself.
your Irresponsible One to see the value of meeting commitments
(protect your self respect and your Guilty and Shamed Inner kids). _
Option - ask your
(Manager subself) to monitor and
coach the Irresponsible One toward changing.
__ Call an
inner council meeting, and
teach all your subselves _ your
rights as a
dignified individual, and how to _
your primary needs, and _
needs, opinions, and boundaries effectively.
In other words, teach your
inner team how to say "No" firmly, instead of agreeing to a
commitment or responsibility they don't want or can't fulfill.
Also teach everyone how to
among themselves and with other people. This will minimize internal
and social conflicts about accepting and fulfilling
responsibilities. Invest time in studying
__ Be alert
for a chance to reassign a
subself to a new "Promise Keeper" role. S/He would be
responsible for reminding your Self,
of promises and responsibilities and for monitoring their status
(done > not done).
__ If you
have a Hippy/Gypsy subself, consult with your
Future Self and
to evaluate the long-term pros and cons of avoiding most
adult responsibilities. Also discuss the long-term value of identifying
and pursuing your life's purpose. Work patiently to convince this
subself to let your (responsible) true Self lead your inner
__ Review the goals of
this strategy (above) and the steps comprising it.
Use this strategy as a flexible framework, not a rigid "cookbook."
Use your
Creative subself to edit these steps and add others ones that occur
to you.
Consider _ using a veteran
parts-work (IFS) therapist to help with this strategy,
and/or _ starting or joining a
group of people interested in benefiting from parts work
Stay aware that the overarching goal of parts work is to
harmonize your inner family and
free your true Self to guide you in
all situations.